Image Source: FreeImages, a cat left alone

If you have a cat, then you need to learn how to safely leave your cat alone. You must have known how much cats love to be around people. They crave human interaction and attention. So the idea of leaving your kitty alone should not be very much of a hassle for you. But what if you suddenly need to go out leaving them behind? It can be challenging. But leaving your cat is not the end of the world. There are ways to safely manage this situation. Your kestrel friend won’t starve without you, trust us! Leaving your cat alone is natural for them. In fact, it’s a part of their routine. This article will help you ease into the transition and gradually introduce new routines as soon as possible. Keep reading to learn the necessary tips and tricks on how to safely leave your cat alone.

What to do before you leave the cat

Make sure that your cat is used to being alone. Even if you think your kitty is fine being alone, it might not be. Allow your kitty to become comfortable being by themselves and handling any issues they might encounter while you are gone. Offer your cat treats and toys so they will have something to keep them busy. If your four-legged friend is used to being alone, it will be less likely to try to get attention. Keep their water bowl full before you leave. doing so, they won’t be thirsty in case they try to get attention by coming to you. The bowl should be near an entrance/exit so you can quickly refill it as needed.

Stay in touch with your cat while you are away

Do not stop calling your cat’s phone. Whether it’s a voice message service or a regular phone call. Your kitty will appreciate hearing your voice while you’re gone. You can also leave a few treats near the cat’s bed or in a spot they like in case they get bored or lonely. One can leave a note on the fridge or in their cat’s food bowl to remind them of their presence, or to see if they get restless while you are gone. Keep a photo or a piece of paper on your desk or in your wallet with your cat’s details or some information about your cat. This can help you stay in touch with your kitty during your absence.

Keep a close eye on your cat

One can keep the cats company by petting them and talking to them while you are at home. Or if they are in a room by themselves. Whenever your cats are allowed outside, keep an eye on them so they do not get hurt or so they do not get into something dangerous. If you have security cameras or a pet door, make sure to check in on your cat each time you leave the house. If your cats have a room of their own, keep an eye on them so they do not get into something dangerous. Ensure they do not get into too much trouble while you are gone. Feed your cat meals that are designed for cats. Feeding them dry foods will keep them hydrated, and having food available will help them stay healthy while you are away.

Make sure your cat has everything they need when you return

Make sure your cat has food and water. If you do not want to risk your tabby getting into something dangerous, you should also make sure they have a litter box so it can urinate and defecate inside the house. Keep all dangerous items either in a cabinet or locked up; this includes chemicals, cleaning supplies, and other dangerous things in your home. Make sure that your cat is allowed inside the cabinet or locked up safely as well. Make sure your cat is allowed inside and outside the house. If you have a pet door or a cat door, make sure they are allowed inside. If you have a cat carrier, make sure it is filled with food and water so your kitty is not thirsty.

Don’t rush back too soon

Try not to rush back to your cat too soon. If you are gone for less than 24 hours, then you can try to return home right away. If you are gone for longer than 24 hours, you can try to stay away for a few days. Allow your little tom to get used to being alone and to handle any issues that come up with being alone. Do not just come home and leave your cat alone again too soon. If you can, allow your kitty some time to get used to being alone.

Be proactive when leaving your cat again

Try to leave before your kitty is in the worst mood. Cats are creatures of habit, and they will most likely be in a bad mood if you leave them alone in the middle of the day. Such situations can lead to your cat trying to get you to come back by crying or pawing at the door. If you are leaving in the morning, try to leave before your feline wakes up. This will give them the chance to get used to being alone before they try to get your attention. Make sure your cats get fed and let them out before you leave. Doing so may reduce the amount of attention they will need when you are gone.

Bottom line

Cats are great pets and they thrive on human attention. But they can also be very clingy when they miss their owner while they are gone. When you have to leave your kitty behind, there are a few things you can do to make the transition easier. Keep them entertained with treats and toys, keep water nearby for them to drink, and call them regularly. Make sure your cat has food and water, and make sure dangerous items are locked up or kept out of reach. Keep your cat inside and outside the house, and make allow them out of the house in a cat carrier. Make sure your cat is fed and let out, and try to leave before your cat is in a bad mood. When you can, leave before your cat is in a bad mood, and be proactive when you leave again.

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