Image Source, keeping a dog: FreeImages‍
Keeping a dog could be one of the best experiences of your life, but it could also be a liability. Although keeping a dog can offer you so many benefits, it also comes with its share of risks.
Dog bites and attacks
Dogs are predators at heart. That’s why they have a natural instinct to chase, attack, and kill other animals for food. The dog that you keep for fun and companionship should not be trained to attack humans. Dogs are programmed to see people as prey. They can be very aggressive when they feel threatened or they see an opportunity to scavenge for food. When they feel threatened, they may attack with their teeth or by nipping with their front paws. Dog attacks are more likely to happen when you are the owner. Attacks happen even when the doggy is healthy, well-fed, and in a safe environment. That is why it is so important to keep a doggy that is not programmed to be aggressive.
Theft and vandalism
Since your doggy is a valuable asset, it is very likely that he will be targeted for theft and vandalism. In fact, there have been incidents where dog owners have been attacked and robbed by their own dogs. It is not uncommon for dogs to go missing as well. There are many factors that contribute to dog theft and vandalism. Your neighbors may have a grudge against your dog, or he may have received too much attention. There are also cases where dogs are stolen because their owner is irresponsible. To keep your dog from being stolen, it’s important to keep him in a fenced property. You can also invest in a security system to ensure that no one else can access your home.
You could get sued
Many homeowners are under the misconception that they will not be sued if their dog attacks someone or causes property damage. That is why they get a special breed that has an aggressive nature. Unfortunately, even well-behaved dogs may attack someone if they are provoked. That’s why it’s important to know your dog’s tendencies and ensure that he is under control at all times, especially when you are away. If your dog causes damages, you may be sued because your homeowner insurance may not cover those costs. You may also get sued by the person he attacks.
Safety concerns
As a dog owner, you must be aware of some safety concerns. Dogs can have a tendency to wander off and get lost. That’s why it’s important to keep a dog microchip with an address and phone number. In addition, you must have an emergency phone number that everyone in your family knows. It is important for everyone to have a phone number that is accessible in case their doggy gets lost. If you don’t know where to start with safety concerns, you may consider hiring a puppy walker to take your doggy out for walks or enrolling your young child in a Pet Awareness Program. There are many organizations that focus on educating the public on safe and responsible dog ownership.
Bad publicity when keeping a dog
Keeping a puppy can bring you a lot of good, but it also comes with some risks. If you get bad publicity or negative attention because of a dog attack, it may affect your business or personal life in a negative way. If people or the media find out that you are keeping a dangerous breed or an aggressive puppy, they may discriminate against you. They may assume that you are irresponsible and dangerous because you own a dangerous breed of dog.
Summing up
Keeping a doggy is exciting because it brings you a new friend, but it can also be a liability. As with any other asset, it’s important to be careful when you decide to get one. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can keep your dog from being a liability. Keep your puppy from being stolen by keeping him in a fenced area. Invest in a security system to protect your house from intruders. Keep your dog from causing damage to your property. Ensure that your puppy wears identification tags with an address and phone number. Stay away from the spotlight so that your puppy won’t receive bad publicity.